Melting ice caps. Photo from http://www.precipitatejournal.com/arctic-snow-cap-is-melting/ |
"The question is not what we need to do, because that seems rather clear to those who are analyzing the global situation. The challenge is how to do it in the time available. Unfortunately we don't know how much time remains. Nature is the timekeeper but we cannot see the clock" (Brown, xiii, 2009).
This quote immediately stuck out to me. It definitely rang true for me. The fact of the matter is, we don't know how much longer life has on this Earth, or even how much longer the Earth has. We only have one place to live, as of yet, and we are doing everything in our power to destroy it. People consume all our resources as if they are indispensable. Chemical waster dumped into our waters, plastic water bottles thrown onto the ground as if it were natural, and people continuously filling up their gas guzzlers. I believe most people understand that there is a problem, besides those few that chose to be ignorant to the matter, but few actually care enough to do anything about it. The truth is, we have to tackle the issue of global warming and pollution as if our planet will end tomorrow if we don't. I for one would like to bring my future children into a better world and a more secure home. I want them to be able to live on this world without having to fear of their world ending. Also, if the earth continues to survive will we all need gas masks in order for life to be sustained?
A plate of vegan food. Photo by J.Lane |
How a vegan meal saves. Photo by https://www.pinterest.com/pin/185984659581678228/ |
"With additional water no longer available in many countries, growing urban thirst can be satisfied only by taking irrigation water from farmers" (Brown, 7, 2009).
When I read the word farmer, in this context, I fear they are referring to crop farmers. In all honesty, it should be referring to animal agriculture farmers. During the recent and still present news of the drought in California I have heard all sorts of 'solutions' to preserve the water still left. These range from shorter showers, restricted sprinkler usage, and the funniest of stopping almond production. The easiest, and most obvious, answer to the problem was ignored by news sources and the average public. Animal agriculture is the number 1 user of water and causes the most pollution! It is so easy to skip meat and dairy from your diet. I understand not everyone is able to cut it off cold turkey but we should be embracing a less 'meat-filled' diet at least. The impact a meat diet has on the environment is too great to ignore. If people do not care about the animals they are killing they should at least care about the future of their children's home.
Gas Prices in the U.S. Photo by http://newsroom.aaa.com/2013/02/aaa-monthly-gas-price-report-february-2013-trends-and-march-outlook/ |
"The average U.S. gas tax of $0.46 per gallon, scarcely one tenth that in Europe, helps explain why the United States uses more gasoline than the next 20 countries combined" (Brown, 245, 2009).
I am conflicted on this section and quote of Plan B 4.0. Though I agree that gasoline usage is way too high in the United States, I am not sure if raising the taxes on gas will work the same way as it did for cigarettes. Cigarettes are considered a luxury and extra to the American people. Gasoline, however, is still very much necessary in most of the country. The way modern America was designed you need a car to get to most places. Simply raising the price of gas will prevent even more people from making it to a decent job to make money. Less people will be able to afford reliable transportation. Public transportation would first need to be changed in order to allow for it to be more reliable. Job locations need to be changed, and city structure would need to be changed.
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