Getting a kiss from a cow at a sanctuary. Photo by J. Lane |
"In short, a land ethic changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain member and citizen of it" (Leopold 60).
This quote is very powerful and truthful. All throughout humans' history they have thought of everything as theirs. Animals, plants, the sun, the wind, water, and all the other resources. They are not respected by humans but used. Clearly, by the state of the environment and world today, it is not working. It is time that we look upon animals as our neighbors on earth. Animals are not ours to own but to be valued for what they give and respected. We are not the conquerors or rulers but fellow citizens. The people will not protect the environment until they admire and protect their neighbors.
CREW. Photo by J. Lane |
"On the back forty we still slip two steps backward for each forward stride" (Leopold 62).
Overall, I disagree with this quote. I can see both sides to this argument and understand where Leopold was coming from. Yes, it sometimes seems like no matter what kind of advocating for the environment is done nobody seems to listen, or a worse mistake is made. For instance, the Black Rhino is endangered right now. To combat this the Namibian government will allow a hunting permit of them for a certain amount of money. The idea is that the money 'donated' will be used for protection of these creatures. That is the most backwards thinking I have ever heard. My disagreement stems from my feeling that this quote is basically discrediting all the work activists have done by saying it did not help at all but hurt their cause. Every voice counts. Eventually, change will be made.
CREW. Photo by J. Lane |
"In human history we have learned (I hope) that the conqueror role is eventually self-defeating" (Leopold 60).
am unsure of why Leopold chose to add this in to his argument. While I
would like to believe this statement to be true I do not think it is.
Humans will continue to try to conquer things over and over. They have
yet to learn you cannot be successful that way. I do not know what it
will take for humans to realize this but I hope it happens soon. The
idea that we know what is best for the rest of the world's inhabitants
is selfish and has proven to have terrible effects. This quote basically
discredits some of Leopold's other points. In short, humans have not
yet learned from their mistakes.
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